Dr. Rajeev Verma
Jack of all trades type of guy. A physician by education but trying to find a way in tech world. Can code in PHP, JAVA, Python. Javascript, Lua, and Dart.

Stay Tuned to Rajeev Verma .com


Last few days of my life had been really interesting and coming few months are going to decide my whole future. There are great chances of my going after my dreams and not to follow the wishes of other people. I will now on try to become a professional blogger and this space is going to  get updated almost everyday.  So stay tuned to my blog.  Not only this one but also the blogs listed below. They all belong to me.


Also join my forums at www.youngistaan.me/forum. It has more than 8,000 members already ( so you are not gong to be the first and lonely 😉 )


Rajeev Verma

Jack of all trades type of guy. A physician by education but trying to find a way in tech world. Can code in PHP, JAVA, Python. JavaScript, Lua, and Dart.

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