Dr. Rajeev Verma
Jack of all trades type of guy. A physician by education but trying to find a way in tech world. Can code in PHP, JAVA, Python. Javascript, Lua, and Dart.

WTF!!! Corruption in Supreme Court..

indian supreme court

This news just comming in “to make a case accepted in supreme court they take bribe”. CBI has arrested few people red handed taking bribe yesterday. That means its a fact.
And yes a senior advocate of supreme court says he is shocked to know about this. I ask him what is he doing till date so he didnt knew about this all. Was he in coma all these days? WTF..


Rajeev Verma

Jack of all trades type of guy. A physician by education but trying to find a way in tech world. Can code in PHP, JAVA, Python. JavaScript, Lua, and Dart.

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